
Little People Day Care School, Inc provides the highest quality early childhood program in an atmosphere of love and learning. Our major objective is to recognize the individual needs of each child and to provide our staff with the means to respond to those needs.

Little People Day Care School - Objectives

Educational Needs

As a private academic school, Little People offers a structured educational program with a child-centered curriculum for each age group. A favorable staff-to-student ratio allows the curriculum to be tailored to the individual child; our skilled staff helps each child progress at his/her own pace while assuring that major objectives are met.

Little People works closely with area public schools to assure a smooth transition into first grade.The children range in age from 12 months through 12 years old. Educational materials are coordinated with those used in local schools. We work closely with intermediate units and make referrals for specialized testing or services when appropriate.


Emotional Needs

Development of positive self-esteem is essential to healthy emotional development and we provide many opportunities for that personal accomplishment.

Recognizing that many of our students are in school for extended periods, our staff is dedicated to providing an atmosphere of emotional security and well-being. They are supplied with personal data on each child to enable them to address individual needs. We work closely with parents through daily contact and scheduled conferences. Parents are encouraged to take an active part in their child’s school life and our staff is always glad to confer on any topic concerning their child.


Physical Needs

Carefully planned and supervised physical activities, stressing fine and gross motor skills, assures progress in the areas of strength and coordination. Special activities such as swimming and tumbling are included.

The special design of our facility helps assure the safety of our children.

An infirmary is provided for children who become ill at school. Various diagnostic screenings are conducted annually.

Well-balanced meals are the foundation of our food service program. Using only the finest ingredients, Little People provides hot breakfasts and lunches as well as morning and afternoon snacks. We minimize the use of sugar and preservatives and stress fresh fruit, vegetables, fresh milk, and protein. Special diets can be accomodated.


Social Needs

Social Development is emphasized during all facets of the Little People Program. Opportunities for social enrichment and environmental awareness are many and varied and include field trips and community resource visitors.

Peer relationships are encouraged and developed. The children are encouraged to respect others, assume responsibility, and participate in group activities.