Policies and Procedures

Little People Day Care - Kingston Wilkes Barre PA - Daycare - Policies and Procedures


Little People Day Care School, Inc is a private, non-sectarian preschool licensed by the PA Department of Education & Board of Private Academic Schools. Enrollment is not restricted by race, religion, or national origin. We observe all applicable Federal, State, and local regulations regarding the operation of this facility, including those pertaining to education, nutrition, health, sanitation, non-discrimination, safety, employment and confidentiality.

Little People Day Care School, Inc provides the highest quality early childhood program in an atmosphere of love and learning. Our major objective is to recognize the individual needs of each child and to provide our staff with the means to respond to those needs.


Hours of Operation

6:30 AM to 6:00 PM – Monday through Friday, year round

Closed – New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving and the day after Thanksgiving, and Christmas Day.

It is understood that parents will pick up their children at the time indicated on the Fee and Schedule Agreement unless we are notified to the contrary in advance. In no case will the school remain opened for any child after 6:00 PM. The late pickup charge will be figured at $3.00 for the first five minutes and $1.00 each five minutes thereafter 6:00 PM.


Adjustment to School

To create a smooth transition from home to school:

  • Visit the school with your child prior to the first day of regular attendance
  • Encourage him or her to look forward to their new experience
  • Assure him or her that all their needs will be provided for.
  • When dropping off your child, do not be dissuaded or delayed by occasional crying. Assure your child you will return and then leave quickly; he/she will soon become involved in games and activities and have a happy day 🙂


Checking In and Out

When bringing or picking up children, it is imperative that you park in the designated area, turn off your ignition and walk your child to or from the building.

Please escort your child to the appropriate classroom and wait to be acknowledged by a staff member. Do not leave your child unattended in the building. When picking up your child, go to his/her classroom and be sure that a staff member knows your child is leaving.

Your child will not be permitted to leave with anyone not authorized on your registration form. If it becomes necessary for someone else to pick up your child, we must provided in adance with your written, dated, and signed authorization. Such individuals will be required to show identification.


Attendance and Schedules

Remember that all children participate in an organized and academic program each day. Please make every effort to have your child attend regularly to assure greater continuity and a sense of belonging.

If your child will be absent, we request that you notify the office as soon as possible.

It is understood that children will be picked up at the time indicated on the Fee and Schedule Agreement unless we are notified of changes in advance.

The school must be advised of any changes in: schedule, residence, place of employment, phone numbers, or family status.



Please dress your child in garments which are comfortable, seasonal, and proper-fitting and also practical (appropriate for playground, painting, tumbling, etc.)

Children should have a complete change of clothing at school; include underwear, pants, shirts and socks. These items should be labeled. If it is necessary for us to use any of our clothing for your child, please launder it and return it the following day.

A smock (an old adult shirt, etc.) should be brought from home for painting projects.

Safe, comfortable footwear is important. Open-toed shoes or beach clogs are inappropriate.



A well-balanced diet is essential to your child’s well-being. We hope your child will come to school having a complete breakfast. Breakfast is available to those students who are scheduled to arrive before 7:30 AM.

Please do not send food to school with your child unless it is part of a special dietary requirement (please notify the office of these special dietary requirement)


Personal Articles

Please do not send toys except on designated days

Most children enjoy a blanket or plush toy for nap time. These should be marked with your child’s name and will be kept in his/her “cubby”. All blankets must be taken home each Friday for laundering.

Remember to check your child’s cubby daily for personal articles, artwork, notices, etc.



State law requires that your child be examined by your family physician and that a health record is to be completed before entering school.

To protect the good health of your child and others, it is expected that he/she will not attend school when nauseated, running a fever, an undiagnosed rash appears, or any illness exists.

Please notify us if your child has been exposed to a contagious disease.

If your child becomes ill at school, you will be notified. The child will be made comfortable until someone arrives.

We will be happy to administer medication, if necessary, in accordance with rigid state regulations and school policy. You will be provided with detailed instructions.

If your child is absent due to illness for extended period, a physician’s statement may be required before the child is allowed to return.

Your complete cooperation in matters of health and hygiene is essential and will be appreciated.


Special Events

We will be happy to celebrate your child’s birthday if you make arrangements in advance. You are welcome to bring in a special treat for your child’s class.

Many special events are conducted throughout the year. You will be advised in advance and are encouraged to participate in these events. They include music and drama programs, athletic events, holiday celebrations, picnics, parties, field trips and more.



A permanent file will be maintained for your child. This file is the property of the school and is covered by the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act of 1973. Your access to the information in your child’s file is guaranteed by law, and we will be happy to review it with you at any scheduled conference. Personal records will not be divulged to any individual or organization without your written permission.

Your child’s file will be released at your written request when he/she graduates from Little People.


Supervision Policy

It is the policy of our facility that all enrolled children will be under the supervision of our Staff at all times. This includes classroom, outdoor activities as well as field trips. We also supervise enrolled school age children to and from school buses.


Transportation Policy

When children are required to be transported for field trips we use a leased bus. If at anytime we would be required to use our van we will meet the child/staff ratios.


Tuition and Fees

In order to maintain continuous high quality in the Little People Education Program, it is necessary that you adhere to all policies regarding tuition and fees. All fees are due on the Friday before or on the first day your child is in attendance at school.

You are responsible to pay for the contracted hours at the contracted price, regardless of whether said hours are used or not.

Children are enrolled either on a full time schedule (25 or more hours per week), half time schedule (14 to 24 hours per week), or Nursery School (part time and paid the first of each month).

Two weeks notice must be given prior to withdrawing your child. Without this notice there will be a charge of one week’s tuition.

If a parent is two weeks behind in tuition payments, the school reserves the right not to allow the child back into school until arrangements have been made to bring the account current.

Note: There will be an administrative charge of $25.00 for all bad checks received by the school.